I am a Catalyst to Inspire Refreshing Joy
Note: This was a talk Sharon delivered at Circle of Miracles.
I am a catalyst to inspire refreshing joy. So, in other words, as I am at peace with myself, I give you permission to be at peace with YOURself. My inner peace sparks outer peace. The result is, we keep expanding and refreshing and head in a positive direction.
I’m not an expert in everything, so I seek the wisdom and expertise of those that can be of assistance to me. In doing so, I am better focused and less stressed and more able to serve others with my own soul’s wisdom.
My writing has been a whirlwind of creativity, so I started writing several books. I decided to focus on one which I am titling, Attuned with Spirit. It explains the concept on how we are magnificent beings able to sync with our Spirit, to do what we are here to do and appreciate the gift that others are too.
Working in a win , win manner is both loving and respectful. It benefits the whole. I remind myself to be myself and others to be themselves, yet play well with others. I believe in the complete flower of life. It resembles, God, the One as the whole. I am but a single flower in the flower of life, unique as a snowflake, but equal to all. So is everyone else. Our life energy is our Source of power, and the earth is like the breath of God, together, they are loving and nurturing us all. I see, part of it, like a large white light energy, above me penetrating every cell. While the earth energy is like a beautiful pinkish, red, surrounding every cell. There is also the energy of our Spirit that bathes us like standing right over top of a fountain. The energy feels like water. It ends up touching, and nurturing every cell. This has been my experience with it. All I have to do is remember this, and I feel it again.
I am distinct, yet not separate. God is distinct, yet not separate. The earth is where my life and yours takes place. Together we are all like a beautiful composition orchestrated by the great conductor. We are supported in our uniqueness for contrast in the vast potential and honored for our similarities which encourage our living in harmony together. The contrast has had it’s share of issues, but it is really nice to have variety. The potential is so vast it is incomprehensible. The more we live in a mutually beneficial way, the more peace and blissful interaction we will experience. The trick may be to find who we are most compatible with and respect others with a little more distance for comfort. The goal is to enjoy our God given freedom and reach our destinations together whatever they may be, as harmoniously as possible, without losing ourselves in the vast expanse.
I honor the expertise that I am by knowing that I am my Soul’s will and special gifts and talents. As I follow my interests, I experience more. I perfect my will to serve me well, through my meditations, where I receive the wisdom I need to continue and the hope I require to allow for more. God as energy, my guide and I enjoy my process and commune continually. We have a great relationship that provides my inner peace, which enables me to have more outer peace and harmony. We all can benefit from this relationship with God. If I feel separate from him, I focus on the light engulfing me and his breath flowing through and around me. This brings me back to peace. I have noticed that living this way brings comfort and healing. It is a blessing to be back on the path with encouragement to move forward.
The goal I have for myself, and I pray for you is to experience heaven and earth moving with us in a miraculous reality that is constantly evolving to a higher state of well being and happiness for all. The past goals, beliefs, and norms drop off along with doubt, fear, guilt, and worry. We are transformed to a higher existence. We are all assisting the whole as we go in ways we need not be conscious of doing, it is our unique energy, our Spirit combined with our Soul, our wisdom and kindness nurturing as we go. My will may be fixed, but I allow the transformation to take place without thought. I ponder the new instead. The truth is always within the process, it’s not like some random fairytale erasing our minds. It’s kind and gentle and supporting us, out of past fear, sickness, and pain. Having the courage to allow this mind centering process will catapult us to higher destinies. This thought has become an obsession for me. I am living it and subtly teaching it. It’s not like anyone needs help with this. Just awareness of the process is enough. It encourages oneness with God, and with others. I see it as a win, win for all.
Some do not wish to have a personal relationship with God, and that’s ok. I tried that for a bit. I called it my ground zero moment. What if it is all a lie? Yes, I went there. First, I gave the power to the universe thinking it all just quantum physics. Then, I thought, what if I am Goddess. I noticed that the rules for my status started. I would never want to control anyone. I would want everyone to be happy, whatever that would mean to them. I realized that would be a lot of scattered energy. The whole picture consciousness is not practical at the focal point of the soul. I think that is best left up to our Spirit to manage. I believe that we have a Spirit for this very reason, to be able to handle everything at once. Every being, every organism would need care. I found that I, if I was God, I would love everyone equally, especially for their uniqueness. They would require different things to make them happy, otherwise it would be like vanilla ice cream, no other flavors. I personally would have to be mint choc chip! So, I noticed, different seems rebellious from the start. That thought brought about my self love in combination with God’s love for me. Interesting, this was fun to ponder. I don’t want to be like everyone else. I’m not bad, just different. I don’t think that was a mistake to ponder.
Our similarities direct us to live in harmony. We are all flesh and blood. This reality breeds compassion. If we want to be happy, we need to love ourselves and respect others. It’s our responsibility to find our preferences and go from there. I would then like to leave the rest up to God to help us all to move forward from there. No matter what I did, I wanted that relationship with God. The comfort in knowing that I was a team with God would never leave me. If God can see everything at once and together, we only need to focus on the now moment, well, that makes it easier.
Those that don’t want a relationship with God can just relate with the Universe in a way that they are comfortable. I respect and honor that, but I must say, to trust in the magnificent biology that we are and the majestic Spirit that we possess will help in this process. It shows we are not alone. Being proactive and in faith of a good outcome is really helpful for peace of mind. Even during meditation we can go back and forth from a mantra to a thought and all of a sudden we let go and we are fully synced and receiving. The key, I’m noticing, is to give the mind something positive to do so we can bring it with us to where we are going. Likewise, we can give our body something proactive and positive to do to help move things along. We, in our highest state, know where we are going. It’s just relaxing and believing in that goodness that will encourage us inwardly and outwardly to peace.
Fun is most important to me. We all share many preferences like having a home, a car, jobs, vacations and friends. I want to experience the earth’s beauty as much as I can. I love good conversations and reading. We all want good health. We all want to be happy .We all deserve life’s simple joys. There is so much to experience! Achieving this takes our Soul’s will, synced with the focused power of our Spirit to expand our love and our lives. It’s simple for us , but complex because it assists the whole Universe in some way. Our specialties assist each other and our similarities unite us.
As I stand in truth which is found at the center point of all things, I expand infinity. Infinity can dissolve the foundation and the goal. It now becomes a direction. If you are accustom to living in a normal world, fear not, you will be pleased with where we are going. Our angels are here to help us with this process. We stand in the midst of it all, in awe of this beautiful masterpiece we are all creating. They show me and tell me that I am doing a good job to encourage me to stay out of my head and proceed with my life. My only question for you is, do we believe all things are possible or not? I have found that I believe it’s possible, and that helps me to continue living well. I meditate or focus on the power of my Spirit and trust my Soul’s wisdom, especially if I’m in doubt. I know they will pull my mind and body through the doubt. No one is exempt from this love of God. Our similarities are enjoyable and our differences make us invaluable. No one else gets to be me. No one else gets to be you. It is our privilege.
God is here, along with the angels, and all other love and light beings to bring us through the fear, guilt, and worry. We are cherished and valued. In holy scripture, Joel 2:25 says, “God can restore what is broken and change it into something amazing. All you need is faith.” Now we can close the book, and live each moment, in faith and live, higher potential ever after! This is life in sync with heaven and earth. I listen to my guidance, but I decide my direction. If my angel were to tell me to jump off the cliff, I can say no. I really would prefer not to. I don’t want to experience that. Be bold with discernment. It’s your life. Much will be presented, you choose.
I see my encouragement, but I decide what it means as I go. I have received visions during meditation at times. I used to try to figure it out, but now I just let it go and see if I will understand it later. Usually, what I find, is that it means several things. I find that to be part of the fun.
I can feel the energy of my angel, and I have to say, interestingly enough, he feels like me. His energy, his spontaneity, his kindness, it feels like me. I find that to be very interesting, but I try not to get stuck in that thought, so I stay in the moment of life. One example of this is cool, but I don’t have to make it into a concept or judgement. It’s best to leave it open for change. Our beliefs can assist us or resist us.
I feel my body and mind being nurtured and cleansed, it gives me great encouragement. I know my body and mind are in some kind of process. I feel it in many ways. I just recently read in Deepak Chopra’s website that there are many sensations we may experience during meditation, even crying and muscle discomfort. I was really thrilled to hear that this was normal, because it didn’t feel normal. I learned to trust that I was ok and just transitioning. Reading about it was just confirmation. I have considered it could be clearing or grounding energy.
I have been doing work on my emotional self since ministry school and it has really paid off. I realize that fear, guilt, and worry have less and less to do with my consciousness. I used to worry about so much. I just had to learn to trust myself and believe that God is on my side and cares about every detail of my life. My favorite scripture is Psalm 37:23 the steps of the godly are directed by the Lord. He delights in every detail of their lives. The word godly could be said to mean, focused on the good of all. We are all pure being, experiencing. I believe that God is always with me and everyone else too. I left the fundamental church because most did not believe this, they believed people needed saving. I believe people usually just need encouragement. Don’t get me wrong, I learned the most precious gift of all as a Christian, my relationship with God. This relationship has evolved from parent to best friend. The idea of hell is in many different religions either during life or during death. Hell can be seen as Karma to some instead of the orchestrated love of God for us. I believe the idea that God is angry and cruel is the reason for many issues we see. I know that everyone is one with God, so I went to ministry school to find out more. I still love all my fundamental friends with all my heart, but I can’t tell people that they are not good enough. I will not. I observed Jesus while studying the Bible. I never heard him say that someone should be punished, maybe redirected like the money changers occurrence. During ministry school, I learned about many religions, concepts, and counselling. I never agreed with every part of any of them. I find there is usually an exception to the rules, wherever they come from. So I learned to use my intuition to glean truth from it all. I find that to be the best way to live positively and remain in a neutral state of acceptance. So I stopped trying to figure it all out, and just live. I have seen much suffering. We have all suffered enough. I will not add to it. This is how I forgive and have compassion. I will do the best I can to be respectful and peaceful, even if that means removing myself from a situation or group. That is my responsibility. It isn’t easy to make those choices sometimes. I use my Soul’s wisdom, it shows me the way. Heaven and earth are with me. I have seen it in many ways. I observe my life changes and feel blessed. I am the change I want to see in the world and that makes me happy. I love observing my love and my life. I can’t decide which is better. I am doing the best that I can and allow myself to expand and become even better. It’s never done, but it’s always fun! It’s a relationship to God and the universe. I receive the comfort, the healing, and the blessings, and it is good. All I need is the courage to move forward. We are a team. All goes with me, literally. I see heaven, as all of us, standing outside of time, with God and all the light beings. On earth, our Souls are viewing it all and experiencing it all together, yet it seems very separate. I believe this just serves as a way to expand ourselves and enjoy each moment.
I observed this thought of oneness for a long time when I got this message of clarity…. “ I am the breath of life. I love you extensively. I love you wholly. I love you as one. I love you as distinct in the Oneness. I love each always.” God reveals himself as the breath of life to me. So, from the mouth of God, I have received this clarity.
I feel so blessed to live at this location, because I was looking for like minded people. This location has an abundance of kind, wise people who seem to be open and active in this way of thinking. We are all fine tuning and blessing each other so richly. It is such a blessing to observe. Keep inspiring and being refreshing joy, it’s beautiful. I am blessed by your presence. Thank you.