Celebrate This One Year Anniversary!!!!
Happy One Year Anniversary for Attuned with Spirit!!!!! October 1, 2018 Thank you all who have made and continue to make this happen. My deepest gratitude for the people who appreciate connecting with Spirit. May you deeply enjoy your lives. May we enjoy this journey together for many years. This week: Set intentions with Archangel Gabriel, Zedkiel, and of course, God/the Universe…channeled suggestions given at Group Sound Healing Sessions Sunday 5:30-7pm, Monday 7-8pm, Wednesday 10-11:30am, Thursday 10-11:30am, Thursday 7-8;30pm, Saturday 10-11:30am Last week, Archangel Michael suggested that we write the fear that always seems to come back. Let’s give it up with his help. Archangel Sandalphon suggests to write the victory…
Greatest Good
There is a skill to what I do. We are all equal, but we can all participate in the greatest good of all. Even if it’s just one by one, it has a huge impact, especially if we are consistent. My passion to contribute to the well being of others is birthed and blossoming. I’m grateful. So many people, places and animals have assisted me to get to this point. I’m thankful. May we all follow our passion for life and the deep desire to contribute to the health and well being of all.
On Reiki
I use reiki often. Sometimes it just comes out of me with no conscious effort. I truly want to be a vessel for love and healing for myself and all others in whatever way is best. I’m not going to assume that I know exactly what to do with this energy. God/the universe/the electrons/nature have an all knowing love and wisdom that I fully trust. I am a perfect vessel because of this. I’m trusting that I’m known and being assisted in brilliant ways to serve us all well. We are, no doubt.
Self care is something I have neglected lately. I’m taking responsibility to restore my health care as a priority now. I’m going to perform my skills of sound healing with reiki, combined with yoga, meditation, contemplating and exercise. I choose to stay with it. I’m worth the time. Balancing it in as I go. There is so much I want to do. Setting one goal at a time, so I may focus and flow is best. I’m contributing to the health and well being of myself and others. The goal to reach all is just too big a goal.
Angelic Reiki Attunements
I do private Angelic Reiki Attunements for Reiki 1 and 2 together and 3 and 4 together. Level 4 is the master level. It entitles you to do attunements. The Angels are the ones who actually do the attunements, but I am the assistant. They will assist me in what to share that is relevant for your understanding and experience. They will assist you with what questions to ask and then help me with the answers. It’s fun and supportive. It’s a beautiful experience and great practice with working with the Angelic realm. It’s a thorough process of attunements, clearing, Reiki given and received; plus the support of self sufficiency…
Blossoming Into The Flower of Life
Using simply Who am I? What do I want? And How can I serve? I have become who I am becoming. And also learning how I fit into the flower of life. As we choose and grow, all our guides and angels watch and assist us. In the words of my favorite guide,“and I flower with you.” It’s more than a commitment that they have to us. Like my backyard is hugged by the woods, I am surrounded by the divine. I am joy being enjoyed. Good morning! I have expanded greatly since I was here last. I am forever blossoming and expanding. I now connect to the core of Source,…
My Spirit is My Paradise
Attuned with Spirit….. Who am I? Right now, I am a body, a mind and a spirit. I am a sacred trinity. My spirit is my paradise and my super power. It surrounds my body and mind. It also indwells them. I am the breath of life. The more I breathe, the more I circulate my spirit through my body and my mind. When I do this I experience more peace because, I return to the truth. I am a body, mind and spirit. My body is my spirits home. My spirit loves its home. What do I want ? My spirit is love. It utilizes my body as a…
The Practice of Kindness
Kindness can make a huge difference. It doesn’t have to be,”saving the world,” big. I want to be making a huge difference in at least one persons life. Being love and kindness creates a ripple effect of a high frequency vibration. It helps no matter how many you love. It extends much further than you would imagine. Steve texted me the other day about a little girl whose parents are in prison for a couple of months. Someone that he knows, stepped in to take care of her while her parents are serving their terms. This was in hopes to prevent the need for foster care. He asked me what…
Sound Healing Video – Chakras
Crystal bowl for root chakra, seven metal bowl for all seven chakras and more…
What is the Inner Relationship?
What is the inner relationship? How important is it? If inner peace or self trust breaks down, our outer relationships are receiving that stress. Awareness of why I connect, or why I disconnect, within this relationship are the keys to understanding and healing within. This creates a huge potential for healthy connections in general. I meditate or at least contemplate on what it is I really want. Going deeper than the surface makes this harder to answer. This is why I meditate. I call meditation a receiving from God. If I don’t believe God is unconditional love, this probably won’t go any further than contemplation, because there is no trust,…